3 Reasons to Implement a Digital Marketing Strategy

The internet has revolutionized the future. Many consumers have a favorite brand, but have never set foot in their brick and mortar store. Therefore, does not it make sense that interacting with your consumers digitally should become a priority? A major mistake you and your business could make is not including digital marketing as a key factor in your overall marketing efforts. If it is not included you are missing out on interacting with a large group of prospective consumers.

Build Brand Recognition

First, building your online brand and establishing your digital marketing plan is vital to building your brand recognition. A business without an active online presence tends to face challenges with building trust and credibility with consumers, especially new ones. Having a well-established online presence is an effective way to keep your current clients engaged with your brand and build trust with prospective clients.


Since everything related to digital marketing and online presence is digitally based, every engagement with your digital brand leaves a trail you can follow. You can use your digital marketing analytics to easily quantify your clicks and interactions. This gives you great data that your digital brand can utilize to improve and tweak your digital marketing plan to maximize how effective your online presence is. Over time, you will be able to compile this data and use it to plan your next campaign. By implementing a data-backed review process of your efforts, you can be more intentional about every marketing dollar you spend.


One of the best parts about digital marketing is that it does not have to be expensive. If you are worried about cost, start small. Merely invest your time. Start by creating business profiles on the social media channels your target consumer spends the most time on. What you are looking for is quality over quantity. It is better for you to have one business account that you are active on than be on four platforms that you only check half of the time. Next, you are explore social media advertising, pay-per-click, and search engine optimization. Digital marketing can be an effective strategy for any resource-strapped business.

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Digital marketing helps to build brand recognition, is easily quantifiable, and cost-effective. Why wouldn’t you implement it for your brand?

At Branding Plus Marketing Group, we specialize in creating response driven marketing plans for clients that simultaneously brand their business while generating a specific response to their ads. Every action you take will have an impact on your brand and success of your company. At Branding Plus Marketing Group we will guide you through the strategic planning process and be with you every step of the way because here, at Branding Plus Marketing Group, Results Matter.

5 Ways to Utilize an Editorial Calendar

As we get closer to 2020 planning for the new year has already begun. A fantastic way for your business to stay organized is to utilize an editorial calendar. An editorial calendar is an effective way to get your content ideas written down, decide on what content needs to be created, and how best to promote the content. 

Planning Strategically 

An editorial calendar allows you to strategically plan your content. You don’t have to think of content the week before, you already know what is coming up and your business’s plan to tackle it. Valentines is coming up, utilizing an editorial calendar allows you to plan your valentines content now. 

Organize Outlets

Do you know when and where your content is being promoted? By utilizing an editorial calendar you know exactly what content is planned for each website, blog, social media outlet, etc. This allows you to avoid overlap and stay organized. 


If you already have the plan for your content in place (which you would with an editorial calendar), you aren’t constantly having to think of “spur of the moment” ideas. This way when you have something unexpected come up you are able to more easily stay on track. This also helps you to be sure content is published regularly and on time. 

Guest Content

When you already have an editorial calendar in place, you know exactly what dates are free and when you are available to accept content from guest contributors. 

Big Picture

Perhaps most importantly, utilizing an editorial calendar allows you to see the big picture when it comes to your content. This allows you to spread out similar content and see where there are holes that need to be filled. 

In conclusion, if your business is not already utilizing an editorial calendar, why not? 

At Branding Plus Marketing Group we believe that your electronic strategy is more important today than it has ever been and that it will be even more important tomorrow. At Branding Plus Marketing Group, Results Matter. 

Building a Mobile Friendly Website for Your Local Business

In today's mobile world, it's imperative your local business has a mobile friendly website and our digital marketing team at Branding Plus Marketing in Dallas, Texas has the tools to help you get there!

In our previous post, we discussed the importance in having a great website to market your business. Carrying that over, we'll be discussing how imperative it is to build a mobile friendly website for your local business. Since 2014, mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, have been used more than desktop computers or laptops to access the internet. As a result, your local business must consider mobile devices when designing and implementing a company website. Our team at Branding Plus Marketing in Dallas, Texas has the experience and tools necessary in building mobile friendly websites for your local business.

Branding Plus Marketing in Dallas, Texas helps you Build a Mobile Friendly Website for Your Local Business!

Branding Plus Marketing in Dallas, Texas helps you Build a Mobile Friendly Website for Your Local Business!

Branding Plus Marketing is your digital marketing company in Dallas with the right people and strategies necessary to help spread the message of who you are and the product or service you provide. One of the most effective ways you can do this is in building a mobile friendly website for your local business. The key to success with mobile friendly sites is to ensure your website is responsive. A responsive website is easily viewable and functional regardless of the device size the user is using to access the site. Whether your potential customer is using an iPhone, Android, tablet or desktop, a responsive website from Branding Plus Marketing looks great and functions just as well.

Contact our Dallas digital marketing team at Branding Plus Marketing to find out how our team can help you build a mobile friendly website for your local business. We are confident we have the experience and know-how to build a responsive website that not only looks great, but is a joy to navigate. We look forward to working with you soon!

Marketing Call-to-Action Items that Work!

When it comes to digital advertising and online marketing strategies, here are some effective call-to-action items that work from your team at Branding Plus Marketing in Dallas, Texas!

Branding Plus Marketing in Dallas, Texas understands the art of crafting response-based digital media campaigns that boost your brand and prompt your target audience to take action. With that in mind, here are a few effective call-to-action items that work and will produce tangible results for your business.

Effective Call-to-Action Items that Work from Branding Plus Marketing in Dallas, Texas!

Effective Call-to-Action Items that Work from Branding Plus Marketing in Dallas, Texas!

Our team at Branding Plus Marketing in Dallas understands an effective call-to-action will include a couple essential elements. First, your call-to-action should include a no-obligation statement that offers the potential customer to try your product or service risk-free. A couple no-obligation call-to-actions include "Try it Now for Free," "Learn More," "See How it Works," and "Get Your Free Copy Today." With each of these, the potential customer is able to try your product or service, which hopefully increases their confidence to buy.

Secondly, you'll want to make sure your call-to-action button or offer is visible and unique enough to stand out. Experts will tell you to keep your call-to-action offer in the top half of the website, since most readers don't scroll down. Moreover, make your call-to-action offer noticeable by using different colors or shapes to draw appeal. Finally, size is important. You want your call-to-action button to be large enough to notice but small enough to not be obnoxious.

If you have any questions about these effective marketing call-to-action items that work, contact our team at Branding Plus Marketing in Dallas, Texas today!

Social Media Trends to Look Out for in 2016

Just when you started getting comfortable with best practices on social media, here are the top social media trends to look out for in 2016 from your friends at Branding Plus Marketing!

Social Media is truly an ever-evolving means of connecting and communication. What was deemed as social media best practices last year will soon be ancient history when it comes to effectively connecting with your existing and potential clientele in relevant and engaging ways. To help, here are social media trends to look out for in 2016 from Branding Plus Marketing - your premier digital marketing company in Dallas.

Social Media Trends to Look Out for in 2016 from Branding Plus Marketing in Dallas, Texas!

Social Media Trends to Look Out for in 2016 from Branding Plus Marketing in Dallas, Texas!

The first social media trend to utilize this year is live streaming. Twitter initially got the ball rolling with the launch of Meerkat and then announcing that it had acquired a competing app called Periscope. Now, with Twitter integrating Periscope into it's flagship app, you can view live streams in your timeline; something that was previously limited to celebrities, journalists and select iPhone users. Facebook plans to bring live streaming to moms and pops everywhere in 2016, guaranteeing an increase in Live Streaming.

Another social media trend to look out for in 2016 includes social commerce. Buying with mobile commerce has continually picked up, and 2016 could be the year it indeed catches on. Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest are looking at storing buyer information in their apps, allowing consumers to easily shop directly from retailers through social channels.

Other social media trends that will only continue to rise in effectiveness and usability include customer service, curation and social media at work to increase productivity. Our team at Branding Plus Marketing in Dallas, Texas is here to keep you on the front edge of social media best practices and looks forward to helping your brand effectively reach it's target audience.