5 Ways to Utilize an Editorial Calendar

As we get closer to 2020 planning for the new year has already begun. A fantastic way for your business to stay organized is to utilize an editorial calendar. An editorial calendar is an effective way to get your content ideas written down, decide on what content needs to be created, and how best to promote the content. 

Planning Strategically 

An editorial calendar allows you to strategically plan your content. You don’t have to think of content the week before, you already know what is coming up and your business’s plan to tackle it. Valentines is coming up, utilizing an editorial calendar allows you to plan your valentines content now. 

Organize Outlets

Do you know when and where your content is being promoted? By utilizing an editorial calendar you know exactly what content is planned for each website, blog, social media outlet, etc. This allows you to avoid overlap and stay organized. 


If you already have the plan for your content in place (which you would with an editorial calendar), you aren’t constantly having to think of “spur of the moment” ideas. This way when you have something unexpected come up you are able to more easily stay on track. This also helps you to be sure content is published regularly and on time. 

Guest Content

When you already have an editorial calendar in place, you know exactly what dates are free and when you are available to accept content from guest contributors. 

Big Picture

Perhaps most importantly, utilizing an editorial calendar allows you to see the big picture when it comes to your content. This allows you to spread out similar content and see where there are holes that need to be filled. 

In conclusion, if your business is not already utilizing an editorial calendar, why not? 

At Branding Plus Marketing Group we believe that your electronic strategy is more important today than it has ever been and that it will be even more important tomorrow. At Branding Plus Marketing Group, Results Matter. 

Building a Great Website that Markets Your Business

Your company website is the front door to your business and often the only impression you'll be able to make in order to market your business!

Branding Plus Marketing in Dallas, Texas is passionate about helping businesses thrive online. In today's market, one of the most crucial components to whether or not your company thrives is how effective your company's website is and whether or not it stands out. Our digital marketing company in Dallas helps you build a great website that markets your business the way you'd want it to market and sets you up for success.

Branding Plus Marketing in Dallas, Texas helps in Building a Great Website that Markets Your Business!

Branding Plus Marketing in Dallas, Texas helps in Building a Great Website that Markets Your Business!

Simply put, if done well, your company's website can be the best marketing tool you have. The studies are staggering how many people connect with businesses online before making a decision to even engage with them on their needs and wants. If your website is not a true description and representation of your company brand, you will certainly loose business and potential clients. Whether you're wanting to increase conversion rates, increase sales, generate more leads, reduce overhead, or even improve brand awareness, all of these can be achieved through building a great website.

Beyond building a great website that markets your business, Branding Plus Marketing in Dallas, Texas will help you develop an electronic, online strategy that boosts brand awareness establishes differentiation between you and your competitors. Contact our team today to find out how our Dallas digital marketing company can help you thrive online!